
The <startflag> element in a DITAVAL document specifies information that identifies the beginning of flagged content. The information can be an image, alternate text, or both.

Usage information

If the <startflag> element does not specify an image or provide alternate text, the element has no defined purpose.

Rendering expectations

Processors treat the information provided by the <startflag> element in the following way:

  • If an image is specified, the image is used as a flag to identify the beginning of the flagged content. If the <alt-text> element contains content, the content is used as alternate text for the image.
  • If alternate text is specified but the <startflag> element does not specify an image, the alternate text is used to indicate the beginning of the flagged content.

Content model

<alt-text> ?

Optional <alt-text>


The following attribute is available on this element:

Specifies a URI reference to the image, using the same syntax as the @href attribute. See The href attribute for information on supported values and processing implications.
Specifies a URI reference to the image, using the same syntax as the @href attribute. See The href attribute for information on supported values and processing implications.


This section is non-normative.

The following code sample shows a DITAVAL document that is used to render icons before content that is specific to a particular operating system. The <startflag> elements specify the icons, and the <alt-text> elements specify alternate text.

  <prop action="flag" att="platform" val="linux">
    <startflag imageref="linux-icon.gif">
  <prop action="flag" att="platform" val="mac">
    <startflag imageref="mac-icon.gif">
  <prop action="flag" att="platform" val="windows">
    <startflag imageref="windows-icon.gif">