
Media track settings specify the location of supplemental, text-based data for the referenced media, for example, subtitles or descriptions.

Usage information

The media track settings are modeled on the <track> element used in HTML5 media elements. They refer to track resources that use Web Video Text Track Format (WebVTT).

Content model




The following attributes are available on this element: universal attributes, @format, @href, @keyref, @scope, and the attributes defined below.

Specifies the usage for the track resource. This attribute is modeled on the @kind attribute on the HTML5 <track> element, as described by the HTML specification, WHATWG version. The values for this attribute are derived from the HTML5 standard:
Transcription or translation of the dialogue, sound effects, relevant musical cues, and other relevant audio information. This is intended for use when the soundtrack is unavailable, for example, because it is muted or because the user is hard-of-hearing. This information is rendered over the video and labeled as appropriate for hard-of-hearing users.
Chapter titles, which are intended to be used for navigating the media resource. The chapter titles are rendered as an interactive list in the interface for the user agent.
Textual descriptions of the video component of the media resource. This is intended for audio synthesis when the visual component is unavailable, for example, because the user is interacting with the application without a screen or because the user is blind. Descriptions are synthesized as separate audio tracks.
Tracks intended for use from script. This metadata is not displayed by the user agent.
Transcription or translation of the dialogue, suitable for when the sound is available but not understood, for example, because the user does not understand the language of the soundtrack. Subtitles are rendered over the video.
See Using the -dita-use-conref-target value for more information.
Specifies the language of the track resource.

For this element, the @href attribute specifies the URI of the track resource.

The following attributes are available on this element: universal attributes and the attributes defined below.

@format (link-relationship attributes)
Specifies the format of the resource that is referenced. See The format attribute for detailed information on supported values and processing implications.
@href (link-relationship attributes)
Specifies a reference to a resource. See The href attribute for detailed information on supported values and processing implications.
For this element, the @href attribute specifies the URI of the track resource.
Specifies a key name that acts as a redirectable reference based on a key definition within a map. See The keyref attribute for information on using this attribute.

For HDITA, the equivalent of @keyref is @data-keyref

Specifies the usage for the track resource. This attribute is modeled on the @kind attribute on the HTML5 <track> element, as described by the HTML specification, WHATWG version. The values for this attribute are derived from the HTML5 standard:
Transcription or translation of the dialogue, sound effects, relevant musical cues, and other relevant audio information. This is intended for use when the soundtrack is unavailable, for example, because it is muted or because the user is hard-of-hearing. This information is rendered over the video and labeled as appropriate for hard-of-hearing users.
Chapter titles, which are intended to be used for navigating the media resource. The chapter titles are rendered as an interactive list in the interface for the user agent.
Textual descriptions of the video component of the media resource. This is intended for audio synthesis when the visual component is unavailable, for example, because the user is interacting with the application without a screen or because the user is blind. Descriptions are synthesized as separate audio tracks.
Tracks intended for use from script. This metadata is not displayed by the user agent.
Transcription or translation of the dialogue, suitable for when the sound is available but not understood, for example, because the user does not understand the language of the soundtrack. Subtitles are rendered over the video.
See Using the -dita-use-conref-target value for more information.
@scope (link-relationship attributes)
Specifies the closeness of the relationship between the current document and the referenced resource. The following values are valid: local, peer, external, and -dita-use-conref-target.

See The scope attribute for detailed information on supported values and processing implications.

Specifies the language of the track resource.


This section is non-normative.

See Examples in the <video> topic.