RELAX NG: Coding requirements for element-configuration modules

This section is non-normative.

An element-configuration module (constraint and expansion) redefines the content model or attribute list for one or more elements.

Implementation of element-configuration modules

Element-configuration modules are implemented by importing the element-configuration modules into a document-type shell in place of the vocabulary module that is redefined. The element-configuration module itself imports the base vocabulary module; within the import, the module redefines the patterns as needed to implement the constraint, expansion, or both.

Constraint modules

For example, a constraint module that modifies the <topic> element imports the base module topicMod.rng. Within that import, it constrains the topic.content pattern:

    <a:documentation>ATTRIBUTES AND CONTENT MODEL OVERRIDES</a:documentation>
    <include href="urn:pubid:oasis:names:tc:dita:rng:topicMod.rng:2.0">
      <define name="topic.content">
        <ref name="title"/>
        <ref name="shortdesc"/>
          <ref name="prolog"/>
          <ref name="body"/>
Expansion modules

For example, an expansion module that modifies the content model of <section> imports the base module topicMod.rng. Within that import, it expands the section.content pattern:

    <a:documentation>CONTENT MODEL AND ATTRIBUTE LIST OVERRIDES</a:documentation>
    <include href="urn:pubid:oasis:names:tc:dita:rng:topicMod.rng:2.0">
      <define name="section.content">
          <ref name="title"/>
          <ref name="sectionDesc"/>
          <ref name="section.cnt"/>

Note that the specialized element <sectionDesc> must be declared in an element-domain module that also is integrated into the document-type shell.

Combining multiple element-configuration modules

Because the element-configuration module imports the module that it modifies, only one element-configuration module can be used per vocabulary module; otherwise the vocabulary module would be imported multiple times. If multiple element configurations are combined for a single vocabulary module, they need to be implemented in one of the following ways:

Combined into a single element-configuration module

The element configurations can be combined into a single module.

For example, when combining separate constraints for <section> and <shortdesc>, a single module can be defined as follows:

<include href="topicMod.rng">
  <define name="section.content">
    <!-- Constrained model for section -->
  <define name="shortdesc.content">
    <!-- Constrained model for shortdesc -->
Chaining element-configuration modules

Element-configuration modules can be chained so that each element-configuration module imports another, until the final element-configuration module imports the base vocabulary module.

For example, when combining separate constraints for <section>, <shortdesc>, and <li> from the base vocabulary, the <section> constraint can import the <shortdesc> constraint, which in turn imports the <li> constraint, which finally imports topicMod.rng.