
An audience is the group of readers for whom a piece of content is intended.

Content model




The following attributes are available on this element: universal attributes and the attributes defined below.

Indicates the level of experience that the audience is assumed to possess. Different audiences might have different experience levels with respect to the same topic. For example, a topic might require general knowledge from a programmer but expert knowledge from a user.
Specifies the high-level task that the audience for the content is trying to accomplish. Different audiences might read the same topic in terms of different high-level tasks. For example, a system administrator might read the topic when administering an application, while a programmer might read the same topic when customizing the application.
Specifies a name for the audience.
Specifies the type of audience for whom the content is intended. Note that this differs from the @type attribute on many other DITA elements.

The following attributes are available on this element: universal attributes and the attributes defined below.

Indicates the level of experience that the audience is assumed to possess. Different audiences might have different experience levels with respect to the same topic. For example, a topic might require general knowledge from a programmer but expert knowledge from a user.
Specifies the high-level task that the audience for the content is trying to accomplish. Different audiences might read the same topic in terms of different high-level tasks. For example, a system administrator might read the topic when administering an application, while a programmer might read the same topic when customizing the application.
Specifies a name for the audience.
Specifies the type of audience for whom the content is intended. Note that this differs from the @type attribute on many other DITA elements.


This section is non-normative.

The following code sample shows how the <audience> element can specify that a topic is intended for experienced programmers:

        <audience type="programmer" experiencelevel="expert"/>