
A description is a statement that describes or contains additional information about an object.

The following list outlines common uses of the <desc> element:

<table> and <fig>
Provides more information than can be contained in the title
<xref> and <link>
Provides a description of the target
Provides alternate content to use when the context does not permit the object to be displayed

When used in conjunction with <fig> or <table> elements, processors SHOULD consider the content of <desc> elements to be part of the content flow.

When used in conjunction with <xref> or <link> elements, processors often render the content of <desc> elements as hover help or other forms of link preview.

(Text | <dl> | <div> | <imagemap> | <image> | <lines> | <lq> | <note> | <hazardstatement> | <ol> | <p> | <pre> | <sl> | <ul> | <cite> | <include> | <keyword> | <ph> | <strong> | <em> | <b> | <i> | <line-through> | <overline> | <sup> | <sub> | <tt> | <u> | <q> | <term> | <text> | <tm> | <xref> | <data> | <sort-as> | <draft-comment> | <foreign> | <required-cleanup> )*

The following attributes are available on this element: universal attributes.

The following attributes are available on this element: universal attributes.


This section is non-normative.

This section contains examples of how the <desc> element can be used.

Example 1. Description of a figure

In the following code sample, the <figure> element contains a reference to an image of a famous painting by Leonardo da Vinci. The <title> element provides the name of the painting, while the <desc> element contains information about when the portrait is thought to have been painted.

  <title>Mona Lisa</title>
  <desc>Circa 1503–06, perhaps continuing until 1517</desc>
  <image href="mona-lisa.jpg">
    <alt>Photograph of Mona Lisa painting</alt> 
Example 2. Description of a cross reference

In the following code sample, the <link> element contains a <desc> element. Some processors might render the content of the <desc> element as hover help.

<link keyref="dita-13-02">
  <linktext>DITA 1.3 Errata 02</linktext>
  <desc>Final errata version of DITA 1.3, published 19 June 2018</desc>