- audience
An audience is the group of readers for whom a piece of content is intended.
- author
An author is the entity that created the content, such as a person, organization, or application.
- category
A category is a group of things that have shared characteristics.
- keywords
Key words are terms that apply to the topic or map.
- othermeta
Other metadata is metadata that specifies properties by using name and content pairs.
- prodinfo
Product information is detailed information about a product, such as the product name, version number, brand name, associated components, and more.
- publisher
A publisher is an entity (person, company, or organization) who makes information, literature, music, software, and other content available to a reader.
- prodname
A product name is the name that a business, company, or enterprise chooses to give a product.
- prognum
A program number is an order number or a product tracking code.