Example: Flagging with @outputclass

This section is non-normative.

In this scenario, the @outputclass attribute in a DITAVAL document is used to enable CSS based flagging.

An additional expectation for this scenario is that the processor rendering DITA content preserves @outputclass values as CSS @class tokens in HTML5. For example, the phrase <ph outputclass="bird">eagle</ph> might be rendered in HTML5 as <span class="bird">eagle</span>.

The following code sample illustrates a simple DITAVAL document that sets up two rules for flagging using @outputclass.

  <prop action="flag" att="product" val="myProduct" outputclass="myProductToken"/>
  <prop action="flag" att="product" val="myOtherProduct" outputclass="myOtherProductToken"/>
Now, assume the following DITA content is processed using the rules from that DITAVAL document:
  <li>This list item applies to all content</li>
  <li product="myProduct">This list item is specific to my product</li>
  <li product="myProduct" outputclass="example">This list item is an example of an edge case</li>
  <li product="myOtherProduct">This list item is specific to my OTHER product</li>
  <li product="myProduct myOtherProduct">This list item is specific to both of my products</li>
Based on the rules from that DITAVAL document, the topic content is processed as follows:
  1. The first item does not specify any conditional processing attributes, and is handled normally.
  2. The second item specifies product="myProduct". Based on the DITAVAL document, this results in a setting on outputclass="myProductToken". The content is processed as if the original element was: <li product="myProduct" outputclass="myProductToken">.
  3. The third item specifies product="myProduct", but already has an @outputclass attribute specified in the source. Based on the DITAVAL document, the content is processed as if the original element was: <li product="myProduct" outputclass="myOtherProductToken example">. Note that the value supplied by the DITAVAL document is placed before any value already in the source.
  4. The fourth item specifies product="myOtherProduct". Based on the DITAVAL document, this results in a setting on outputclass="myOtherProductToken". The content is processed as if the original element was: <li product="myOtherProduct" outputclass="myOtherProductToken">.
  5. The fifth item specifies both products with product="myProduct myOtherProduct". Based on the DITAVAL document, this results in a setting of either outputclass="myProductToken myOtherProductToken" or outputclass="myOtherProductToken myProductToken". The order of the two tokens is unspecified; if a processor chooses the first, the content is processed as if the original element was: <li product="myProduct myOtherProduct" outputclass="myProductToken myOtherProductToken">.
With the expectation that the processor maps @outputclass values onto the HTML @class attribute, the rendered HTML5 result would look like this:
  <li>This list item applies to all content</li>
  <li class="myProductToken">This list item is specific to my product</li>
  <li class="myProductToken example">This list item is an example of an edge case</li>
  <li class="myOtherProductToken">This list item is specific to my OTHER product</li>
  <li class="myProductToken myOtherProductToken">This list item is specific to both of my products</li>