
A definition list is a list of items and their corresponding definitions.

Rendering expectations

A definition list is typically rendered in the following way:

  • The definition term is located against the starting margin of the page or column.
  • The definition description is indented. It is located either on the same line as the definition term, or it is placed on the next line.
  • The optional header content is located on a line before the definition list entries.

Content model

( <data> | <sort-as> )*, <dlhead> ?, <dlentry> +

In order
  1. Zero or more
  2. Optional <dlhead>
  3. One or more <dlentry>


The following attributes are available on this element: universal attributes and @compact.

The following attributes are available on this element: universal attributes and the attributes defined below.

Specifies whether the vertical spacing between list items is tightened. The following values are valid: yes, no, and -dita-use-conref-target. Some DITA processors or output formats might not support the @compact attribute.


This section is non-normative.

The following code sample shows how a definition list can be used to describe the message levels that are generated by a monitoring application. The @compact attribute instructs processors to tighten the vertical spacing.

<dl compact="yes">
    <dd>Problems were detected, but the software will continue to monitor activity.</dd>
    <dd>Problems were detected, and the software is in danger of shutting down.</dd>
    <dd>Monitoring activity has ceased.</dd>