
A long description reference is a reference to a textual description of a graphic or object. This is typically used to provide an extended description when the graphic or object is too complicated to describe with alternate text.



The following attributes are available on this element: link-relationship attributes, universal attributes, and @keyref.

The following attributes are available on this element: universal attributes and the attributes defined below.

Specifies the format of the resource that is referenced. See The format attribute for detailed information on supported values and processing implications.
Specifies a reference to a resource. See The href attribute for detailed information on supported values and processing implications.
Specifies a key name that acts as a redirectable reference based on a key definition within a map. See The keyref attribute for information on using this attribute.
Specifies the closeness of the relationship between the current document and the referenced resource. The following values are valid: local, peer, external, and -dita-use-conref-target.

See The scope attribute for detailed information on supported values and processing implications.

Describes the target of a reference. See The type attribute for detailed information on supported values and processing implications.


This section is non-normative.

This section contains examples of how the <longdescref> element can be used.

Example 1. <longdescref> which references a local DITA description

In the following code sample, the <longdescref> references a detailed image description that is stored in a DITA topic:

<image href="llama.jpg">
  <alt>Llama picture</alt>
  <longdescref href="my-pet-llama.dita"/>
Example 2. <longdescref> which references an external description

In this code sample, the long description is stored remotely, on a external Web site:

<image href="puffin.jpg">
  <alt>Puffin pigure</alt>
  <longdescref href="http://www.example.org/birds/puffin.html"