Example: How the @cascade attribute affects attribute cascading

This section is non-normative.

In this scenario, the @cascade attribute is used to modify how metadata attributes cascade within a map.

Figure 1. Example of cascade="merge"
Consider the following code example:
<map audience="a b" cascade="merge">
     <topicref href="topic.dita" audience="c"/>

In this map, the cascade="merge" attribute instructs a processor to merge attribute values while cascading. With @audience specified on both the <map> element and the <topicref> element, the effective @audience attribute value for the reference to topic.dita is a b c.

Figure 2. Example of cascade="nomerge"
Consider the following code example:
<map audience="a b" cascade="nomerge">
     <topicref href="topic.dita" audience="c"/>

In this map, the cascade="nomerge" attribute instructs a processor not to merge attribute values while cascading. With @audience specified on both the <map> element and the <topicref> element, the effective @audience attribute value on the reference to topic.dita is not merged with the value from the map and remains c.

Figure 3. Example of changing the @cascade value within the map
Consider the following code example:
<map platform="a" product="x" cascade="merge">
  <topicref href="one.dita" platform="b" product="y">
    <topicref href="two.dita">
      <topicref href="three.dita" cascade="nomerge" product="z">
        <topicref href="four.dita"/>

In this map, the @cascade attribute is set to merge at the map level but changes to nomerge on a topic reference.

  • For the topic reference to one.dita, cascade="merge" is specified. This results in an effective @platform value of a b and an effective @product value of x y.
  • The topic reference to two.dita does not specify any additional attributes. The effective values for the @platform and @product attributes are the same as those on the parent topic reference to one.dita. The effective value of of the @platform attribute is a b, and the effective value for the @product attribute is x y.
  • The topic reference to three.dita specifies cascade="nomerge", so attribute values from other elements do not merge with anything specified on the topic reference. The @platform attribute is not specified, so the effective value is a b, which still cascades from the parent element. The @product value does not merge with values from the parent, so the effective value is z.
  • The topic reference to four.dita does not specify any additional attributes. The effective values for the @platform and @product attributes are the same as those on the parent topic reference to three.dita. The effective value of of the @platform attribute is a b, and the effective value for the @product attribute is z.