Domains provided in the base DITA edition

This section is non-normative.

The base DITA edition includes a set of attribute- and element-domain specializations. The attribute domains are available for use in both maps and topics, while the element domains vary as to where they can be made available.

The following table lists the attribute specializations that are included in the base DITA edition.

Domain Description
@audience Attribute for conditional processing based on target audience
@deliveryTarget Attribute for conditional processing based on target delivery mechanism
@otherprops Attribute for conditional processing when an appropriate semantic is not developed
@platform Attribute for conditional processing based on platform
@product Attribute for conditional processing based on product

The following table lists the element-domain specializations that are included in the base DITA edition.

Domain Purpose Where available Short name
Alternative titles Provides alternative titles for resources Map & topic alternativeTitles-d
DITAVALref Enables filtering a branch of a DITA map Map ditavalref-d
Emphasis Provides <em> and <strong> elements for indicating emphasis Map & topic emphasis-d
Hazard statement Provides a hazard statement element that meets meets ANSI Z535 and ISO 3864 requirements Map & topic hazard-d
Highlighting Provides typographic elements Map & topic hi-d
Map group Provides convenience elements for use in DITA maps Map mapgroup-d
Utilities Provides image maps and a sort key Map & topic ut-d