The @xml:lang
The @xml:lang
attribute specifies the
language and optional locale of the content that is contained in an
element. The @xml:lang
attribute is described in the
XML Recommendation.
Since the @xml:lang
attribute is an inherent
property of the XML document, it does not behave in the same way as
other DITA metadata attributes do.
Within topic and map documents, the @xml:lang
attribute applies to the content and attributes that are contained by
the element on which it is specified. This means that it supplies a
value for lower-level elements in the containment hierarchy that do
not supply their own value for the @xml:lang
attribute. However, any such value is overridden when an
attribute with a different value is
specified on lower-level elements in the containment hierarchy.
When the @xml:lang
attribute is specified on a topic reference, it does not
apply to the referenced resource. This means that the value of the @xml:lang
attribute on a topic reference (or the root element of the map) does not automatically supply
a default value for the referenced topic or DITA map.
For topic and map documents, if no value for the @xml:lang
value is specified
explicitly or on a higher-level element in the containment hierarchy, a processor-determined
default value is assumed.