Example: Adding an existing domain attribute to certain elements using RNG

This section is non-normative.

In this scenario, a company wants to use the @otherprops attribute specialization. However, they want to make the attribute available only on certain elements: <p>, <div>, and <section>.

The DITA architect will need to create an extension module and integrate it into the appropriate document-type shells.

  1. The DITA architect creates an expansion module that adds the @otherprops attribute to the selected elements: acme-otherpropsAttExpansion.rng. The expansion module contains the following content:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <?xml-model href="urn:pubid:oasis:names:tc:dita:rng:vocabularyModuleDesc.rng"
    <grammar xmlns="http://relaxng.org/ns/structure/1.0"
        <a:documentation>CONTENT MODEL AND ATTRIBUTE LIST OVERRIDES</a:documentation>
        <include href="urn:pubid:oasis:names:tc:dita:rng:topicMod.rng:2.0">
          <define name="topic-info-types">
            <ref name="topic.element"/>
          <define name="p.attributes" combine="interleave">
              <attribute name="otherprops"/>
          <define name="div.attributes" combine="interleave">
              <attribute name="otherprops"/>
          <define name="section.attributes" combine="interleave">
              <attribute name="otherprops"/>
  2. They then update the catalog.xml file to include the expansion module.
  3. They integrate the extension module into the applicable document-type shell, and remove the <include> element for topicMod.rng:

        <a:documentation>ELEMENT-TYPE CONFIGURATION INTEGRATION</a:documentation>
          <include href="acme-otherpropsAttExpansion.rng"/>
        <a:documentation>MODULE INCLUSIONS</a:documentation>
        <include href="urn:pubid:oasis:names:tc:dita:rng:topicMod.rng:2.x"/>
        <include href="urn:pubid:oasis:names:tc:dita:rng:otherpropsAttDomain.rng:2.0">
  4. They remove the reference to the @otherprops attribute from the props-attribute-extension pattern:

        <a:documentation>MODULE INCLUSIONS</a:documentation>
        <include href="urn:pubid:oasis:names:tc:dita:rng:otherpropsAttDomain.rng:2.0">
          <define name="props-attribute-extensions" combine="interleave">
  5. They ensure that the included-domains entity contains the @otherprops contribution to the @specializations attribute:

        <a:documentation>SPECIALIZATIONS ATTRIBUTE</a:documentation>
        <define name="specializations-att">
            <attribute name="specializations" a:defaultValue="
  6. After checking the test topic to ensure that the attribute lists are modified as expected, the work is done.