Example: Aggregating constraint and expansion modules using RNG

This section is non-normative.

The DITA architect wants to add some extension modules to the document-type shell for topic. The document-type shell already integrates a constraint module.

The following table lists the constraint module and the extension modules that the DITA architect wants to integrate into the document-type shell for topic.

Type of element configuration File name What it does
Constraint topicSectionConstraint.rng

Constrains <topic>:

  • Removes <abstract>
  • Makes <shortdesc> required
  • Removes <related-links>
  • Disallows topic nesting

Constrains <section>:

  • Makes @id required
Expansion sectionExpansionMod.rng Adds <sectionDesc> to the content model of <section>
Expansion tableCellAttExpansion.rng Adds @cellPurpose to the attribute lists for certain table elements

Because all of these element-configuration modules target elements declared in topicMod.rng, the DITA architect needs to combine them into a single element-configuration module like the following:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?xml-model href="urn:pubid:oasis:names:tc:dita:rng:vocabularyModuleDesc.rng"
<grammar xmlns="http://relaxng.org/ns/structure/1.0"
    <a:documentation>CONTENT MODEL AND ATTRIBUTE LIST OVERRIDES</a:documentation>
    <include href="urn:pubid:oasis:names:tc:dita:rng:topicMod.rng:2.0">
      <!-- Redefines attribute list for section: Makes @id required -->
      <define name="section.attributes">
        <attribute name="id">
          <data type="ID"/>
        <ref name="conref-atts"/>
        <ref name="select-atts"/>
        <ref name="localization-atts"/>
          <attribute name="outputclass"/>
      <!-- Adds sectionDesc to the content model of section -->
      <define name="section.content">
          <ref name="title"/>
          <ref name="sectionDesc"/>
          <ref name="section.cnt"/>
      <!-- Adds @cellPurpose to certain table and simple table elements -->
      <define name="colspec.attributes" combine="interleave">
          <attribute name="cellPurpose"/>
      <define name="entry.attributes" combine="interleave">
          <attribute name="cellPurpose"/>
      <define name="row.attributes" combine="interleave">
          <attribute name="cellPurpose"/>
      <define name="stentry.attributes" combine="interleave">
          <attribute name="cellPurpose"/>
      <define name="strow.attributes" combine="interleave">
          <attribute name="cellPurpose"/>
      <!-- Redefines topic: removes abstract and related-links; makes shortdesc -->
      <!--                  required; disallows topic nesting                   -->
      <define name="topic.content">
        <ref name="title"/>
        <ref name="shortdesc"/>
          <ref name="prolog"/>
          <ref name="body"/>

When the DITA architect edits the document-type shell to integrate the element configuration module, they also need to do the following:

  • Remove the include statement for topicMod.rng
  • Add <section> to the "ID-DEFINING ELEMENT OVERRIDES" division