
The <revprop> element in a DITAVAL document identifies a value of the @rev attribute for flagging. Unlike the conditional processing attributes, which can be used for both filtering and flagging, the @rev attribute can only be used for flagging.

Usage information

Neither the <reprop> element or the @rev attribute are designed to be used for version control.

Rendering expectations

If no alternate text is specified, processors can provide default alternate text to indicate the start and end point of the flagged content.

For the @color and @backcolor attributes on <prop> and <revprop>, processors SHOULD support at least the following values:
For the @style attribute on <rev> and <revprop>, processors SHOULD support the following tokens:
  • bold
  • double-underline
  • italics
  • overline
  • underline

In addition, processors MAY support proprietary tokens for the @style attribute. Such tokens SHOULD have a processor-specific prefix to identify them as proprietary. If a processor encounters an unsupported style token, it MAY issue a warning, and it MAY render content that is flagged with such a style token by using some default formatting.

Processing expectations

It is an error to include more than one <revprop> element with the same @val attribute. Recovery from this error is implementation dependent. In such cases processors MAY provide an error or warning message.

The following list outlines how processors apply @outputclass flags:

  • If one or more DITAVAL properties apply @outputclass flags to the same element, and the element already specifies one or more values for the @outputclass attribute, processors treat the element as if the tokens for the @outputclass attribute that were provided in the DITAVAL document are specified first.
  • If two or more DITAVAL properties apply @outputclass flags to the same element, processors treat the element as if each value was specified for the @outputclass attribute. The order of the tokens for the @outputclass attribute that were provided in the DITAVAL document is undefined.

Content model

<startflag> ?, <endflag> ?

In order
  1. Optional <startflag>
  2. Optional <endflag>


The following attributes are available on this element:

@action (REQUIRED)

Specifies the action to be taken. The following values are supported:

Indicates that the content is included in the output and flagged, if the content has not been excluded.
Indicates that the content is included in the output and not flagged. This is the default behavior, unless otherwise set.
Indicates that the content is included in the output and that the attribute value is preserved. This enables further processing by a runtime engine. The attribute value is preserved in the syntax that is required by the runtime engine.
Specifies the value of the @rev attribute. If the @val attribute is not specified, then the <revprop> element declares a default behavior for any instance of the @rev attribute.

The following attributes are only applicable when the @action attribute is set to flag. If the @action attribute is not set to flag, any value specified for these attributes are ignored.

Specifies the background color for flagged text. Colors can be entered by name or hex code. When images are flagged, the background color is rendered as a thick border.
Specifies a color, style, or character to be used for rendering a change bar.
Specifies the color for flagged text. Colors can be entered by name or hex code. When images are flagged, the color is rendered as a thin border.
Specifies a value for the @outputclass attribute. The flagged element is treated as if the specified @outputclass value was specified on that element.
Specifies the formatting to use for flagged text. This attribute can contain multiple space-delimited tokens.
@action (REQUIRED)

Specifies the action to be taken. The following values are supported:

Indicates that the content is included in the output and flagged, if the content has not been excluded.
Indicates that the content is included in the output and not flagged. This is the default behavior, unless otherwise set.
Indicates that the content is included in the output and that the attribute value is preserved. This enables further processing by a runtime engine. The attribute value is preserved in the syntax that is required by the runtime engine.
Specifies the background color for flagged text. Colors can be entered by name or hex code. When images are flagged, the background color is rendered as a thick border.
Specifies a color, style, or character to be used for rendering a change bar.
Specifies the color for flagged text. Colors can be entered by name or hex code. When images are flagged, the color is rendered as a thin border.
Specifies a value for the @outputclass attribute. The flagged element is treated as if the specified @outputclass value was specified on that element.
Specifies the formatting to use for flagged text. This attribute can contain multiple space-delimited tokens.
Specifies the value of the @rev attribute. If the @val attribute is not specified, then the <revprop> element declares a default behavior for any instance of the @rev attribute.


This section is non-normative.

The following code sample shows how the <revprop> element can be used to flag content that has been marked with the @rev attribute. Elements that specify rev="edits" are rendered in red text, and glyphs mark the start and end points of the flagged revision. Alternate text is provided.

  <revprop action="flag" color="red" val="edits">
    <startflag imageref="start-glyph.png>
      <alt-text>Start of revision</alt-text>
    <endflag imageref="end-glyph.png>
      <alt-text>End of revision</alt-text>