Example: Setting conditional processing values

This section is non-normative.

In this scenario, conditional processing attributes are set in DITA content.

The following code sample illustrates how conditional processing attributes are set in DITA content.
<p audience="administrator">Set the configuration options:
    <li product="extendedProd">Set foo to bar</li>
    <li product="basicProd extendedProd">Set your blink rate</li>
    <li>Do some other stuff</li>
    <li>Do a special thing for Linux</li>
In the example,
  • The entire paragraph and list of options applies to an audience of administrator.
  • The first configuration item applies only to the extendedProd product.
  • The second configuration option applies to both the baseProd and extendedProd products.

When combined with a DITAVAL document, these attributes can be used as a way to filter or flag the content when it is rendered.