
A topic is a standalone unit of information.

Content model

<title> , ( <shortdesc> | <abstract> )?, <prolog> ?, <body> ?, <related-links> ?, <topic> *


The following attributes are available on this element: architectural attributes and universal attributes.

For this element, the @id attribute is required.

The following attributes are available on this element: universal attributes and the attributes defined below.

@DITAArchVersion (architectural attributes)
Specifies the version of the DITA architecture that is in use. This attribute is in the namespace http://dita.​oasis-open.​org/​architecture/​2005/. This attribute is specified in the topic and map modules, and it uses a default value of the current version of DITA. The current default is 2.0.
For this element, the @id attribute is required.
@specializations (architectural attributes)
Specifies the attribute-domain specializations that are included in the document-type shell. This attribute is set as a default within the document-type shell. The value varies depending on what domains are integrated into the document-type shell. For example, a grammar file that includes the specialized attributes @audience, @deliveryTarget, and @newBaseAtt would set the value to @props/audience @props/deliveryTarget @base/newBaseAtt.


This section is non-normative.

The following code sample shows the primary structural components of a topic: title, short description, prolog, body, and related links:

<topic id="topic">
  <title>The basic structure of a topic</title>
  <shortdesc>A topic has a well-established structure. </shortdesc>
  <!-- Metadata can be stored here.-->
    <p>A typical topic contains a title, short description, and body.</p>
       <!--Related links can be defined directly in a topic or by using 
           a relationship table.--></related-links>