
A source is a resource from which the present topic is derived, either completely or in part.

Usage information

The <source> element contains a description of the resource. Alternatively, the @href or @keyref attributes can be used to reference a description of the resource.

Processing expectations

It is undefined what it means when the <source> element has both content and an attribute-based reference to another resource. It is up to the implementation to determine the processing for this situation.

Content model

(Text | <data> | <sort-as> | <foreign> | <keyword> | <term> | <text> | <ph> | <strong> | <em> | <b> | <i> | <line-through> | <overline> | <sup> | <sub> | <tt> | <u> )*


The following attributes are available on this element: link-relationship attributes, universal attributes, and @keyref.

For this element, the @href attribute provides a reference to a resource from which the topic is derived.

The following attributes are available on this element: universal attributes and the attributes defined below.

@format (link-relationship attributes)
Specifies the format of the resource that is referenced. See The format attribute for detailed information on supported values and processing implications.
@href (link-relationship attributes)
Specifies a reference to a resource. See The href attribute for detailed information on supported values and processing implications.
For this element, the @href attribute provides a reference to a resource from which the topic is derived.
Specifies a key name that acts as a redirectable reference based on a key definition within a map. See The keyref attribute for information on using this attribute.

For HDITA, the equivalent of @keyref is @data-keyref

@scope (link-relationship attributes)
Specifies the closeness of the relationship between the current document and the referenced resource. The following values are valid: local, peer, external, and -dita-use-conref-target.

See The scope attribute for detailed information on supported values and processing implications.

@type (link-relationship attributes)
Describes the target of a reference. See The type attribute for detailed information on supported values and processing implications.


This section is non-normative.

The following code sample shows that the content is based on information from the XML Exchange Table Model Document Type Definition:

    <source>XML Exchange Table Model Document Type Definition</source>