Aggregated RFC-2119 statements

This appendix contains all the normative statements from the DITA for Technical Content 2.0 specification. They are aggregated here for convenience in this non-normative appendix.

Aggregated error statements

It is an error to use parse="xml" anywhere other than within <foreign> or a specialization thereof.
It is an error to use parse="xml" anywhere other than within <foreign> or a specialization thereof.

Aggregated RFC-2119 statements

When a processor encounters an <abbreviated-form> element that references a DITA topic, if the referenced topic is not a <glossentry> topic or a specialization of <glossentry>, the title of the topic SHOULD be rendered.
When a processor encounters an <abbreviated-form> element that references a DITA topic, if the referenced topic is a <glossentry> topic or a specialization of <glossentry>, processors SHOULD render the <abbreviated-form> element in the following ways:
First usage
Render the contents of the <glossSurfaceForm> element, if it is not empty. If the <glossSurfaceForm> is empty or does not exist, render the contents of the <glossterm> element.
Second and later usage
Render the contents of the <glossAcronym> element, if it is not empty. If the <glossAcronym> is empty or does not exist, render the contents of the <glossterm> element.
Processors which render the content of <stepsection> elements among the <step> elements MUST NOT number the <stepsection> elements.
When the <equation-number> element has empty content, the equation number SHOULD be generated.
When the <equation-number> element is not empty, the content SHOULD be used as the equation number.
Processors MAY add punctuation or decoration to the number.
Processors SHOULD process the MathML as though the <m:math> element occurs directly in the content of the containing <mathml> element.
Processors SHOULD preserve line the breaks and spaces that are present in the content of a <codeblock> element.
Processors SHOULD preserve the line breaks and spaces that are present in the content of a <msgblock> element.
Processors SHOULD process the SVG as though the <svg> element occurs directly in the content of the containing <svg-container> element.
Processors SHOULD separate the contents of the <uicontrol> elements in some manner to represent the menu cascade.
Processors SHOULD preserve the line breaks and spaces that are present in the content of a <screen> element.