
A syntax block organizes small pieces of a syntax definition into a larger piece.

Specialization hierarchy

The <synblk> element is specialized from <figgroup>. It is defined in the syntax-diagram domain module, which is a specialization of the programming domain module.

Content model

<title> ?, ( <fragment> | <fragref> | <groupchoice> | <groupcomp> | <groupseq> | <synnote> | <synnoteref> )*


The following attributes are available on this element: universal attributes.

The following attributes are available on this element: universal attributes.


This section is non-normative.

The following code sample shows how <synblk> elements can be used to group sets of related options for user profile parameters. These syntax blocks might be used in many different sets of syntax.

<synblk id="profileopts">
  <title>Required profile options</title>
This block can now be reused in syntax descriptions that always begin with the three profile parameters described in that syntax block:
  <title>Request file listing</title>
    <synblk conkeyref="syntax-library/profileopts"/>