
The <refbodydiv> element provides a container for contiguous content in a reference topic. There is no additional semantic meaning.

Usage information

The <refbodydiv> element is useful primarily for reuse and as a specialization base.

Specialization hierarchy

The <refbodydiv> element is specialized from <bodydiv>. It is defined in the reference module.


The following attributes are available on this element: universal attributes.

The following attributes are available on this element: universal attributes.


This section is non-normative.

The following code sample shows how a <refbodydiv> element can be used to group content for reuse

<reference id="sample-refbodydiv" xml:lang="en">
 <title>Sample for refbody</title>
 <shortdesc>This shows how refbodydiv might be used.</shortdesc>
  <refbodydiv id="widget1">
   <section>This is one part of the sample</section>
   <refsyn>Syntax for this part</refsyn>
  <refbodydiv id="widget2">
    <section>This is another part of the sample</section>
    <refsyn>Syntax for this part</refsyn>