
The <glossSymbol> element identifies an image that is associated with the subject of the term that is specified by <glossterm> element.

Specialization hierarchy

The <glossSymbol> element is specialized from <image>. It is defined in the glossary entry module.


The following attributes are available on this element: universal attributes, @format, @href, @keyref, @scope, and the attributes defined below.

Controls the horizontal alignment of an image when @placement is specified as break. Common values include left, right, and center.
Specifies the vertical dimension for the resulting display. The value of this attribute is a real number expressed in decimal notation, optionally followed by a unit of measure. The following units of measurement are supported: cm, em, in, mm, pc, pt, and px (centimeters, ems, inches, millimeters, picas, points, and pixels, respectively). The default unit is px (pixels). Possible values include:5, 5in, and 10.5cm.
Indicates whether an image is displayed inline or on a separate line. The default value is inline. Allowable values are inline, break, and "-dita-use-conref-target".
Specifies a percentage as an unsigned integer by which to scale the image in the absence of any specified image height or width; a value of 100 implies that the image should be presented at its intrinsic size. If a value has been specified for the @height or @width attribute (or both), the @scale attribute is ignored.

Specifies whether an image is scaled up or down to fit within available space. The allowable values are yes, no, and "-dita-use-conref-target". If @height, @width, or @scale is specified, those attributes determine the graphic size, and the @scalefit attribute is ignored. If none of those attributes are specified and scalefit="yes", then the image is scaled by the same factor in both dimensions, so that the graphic will just fit within the available height or width, whichever is more constraining.

The available width would be that of the prevailing column or table cell, that is, the width a paragraph of text would have if the graphic were a paragraph instead od text. The available height is implementation dependent, but if feasible, it is suggested to be the page or table cell height or some other reasonable value.

Specifies the horizontal dimension for the resulting display. The value of this attribute is a real number expressed in decimal notation, optionally followed by a unit of measure. The following units of measurement are supported: cm, em, in, mm, pc, pt, and px (centimeters, ems, inches, millimeters, picas, points, and pixels, respectively). The default unit is px (pixels). Possible values include:5, 5in, and 10.5cm.

The following attributes are available on this element: universal attributes and the attributes defined below.

Controls the horizontal alignment of an image when @placement is specified as break. Common values include left, right, and center.
@format (link-relationship attributes)
Specifies the format of the resource that is referenced. See STUB CONTENT for detailed information on supported values and processing implications.
Specifies the vertical dimension for the resulting display. The value of this attribute is a real number expressed in decimal notation, optionally followed by a unit of measure. The following units of measurement are supported: cm, em, in, mm, pc, pt, and px (centimeters, ems, inches, millimeters, picas, points, and pixels, respectively). The default unit is px (pixels). Possible values include:5, 5in, and 10.5cm.
@href (link-relationship attributes)
Specifies a reference to a resource. See STUB CONTENT for detailed information on supported values and processing implications.
Specifies a key name that acts as a redirectable reference based on a key definition within a map. See STUB CONTENT for information on using this attribute.

For HDITA, the equivalent of @keyref is @data-keyref

Indicates whether an image is displayed inline or on a separate line. The default value is inline. Allowable values are inline, break, and "-dita-use-conref-target".
Specifies a percentage as an unsigned integer by which to scale the image in the absence of any specified image height or width; a value of 100 implies that the image should be presented at its intrinsic size. If a value has been specified for the @height or @width attribute (or both), the @scale attribute is ignored.

Specifies whether an image is scaled up or down to fit within available space. The allowable values are yes, no, and "-dita-use-conref-target". If @height, @width, or @scale is specified, those attributes determine the graphic size, and the @scalefit attribute is ignored. If none of those attributes are specified and scalefit="yes", then the image is scaled by the same factor in both dimensions, so that the graphic will just fit within the available height or width, whichever is more constraining.

The available width would be that of the prevailing column or table cell, that is, the width a paragraph of text would have if the graphic were a paragraph instead od text. The available height is implementation dependent, but if feasible, it is suggested to be the page or table cell height or some other reasonable value.

@scope (link-relationship attributes)
Specifies the closeness of the relationship between the current document and the referenced resource. The following values are valid: local, peer, external, and -dita-use-conref-target.

See STUB CONTENT for detailed information on supported values and processing implications.

Specifies the horizontal dimension for the resulting display. The value of this attribute is a real number expressed in decimal notation, optionally followed by a unit of measure. The following units of measurement are supported: cm, em, in, mm, pc, pt, and px (centimeters, ems, inches, millimeters, picas, points, and pixels, respectively). The default unit is px (pixels). Possible values include:5, 5in, and 10.5cm.


This section is non-normative.

The following code sample shows how the <glossSymbol> can be used to associate a regional classification icon with the Atlantic puffin:

<glossentry id="atlanticpuffin">
  <glossterm>Atlantic Puffin</glossterm>
  <glossdef>A sea bird that lives in the Atlantic
    <image href="puffinicon.jpg">
      <alt>Image of an atlantic puffin</alt>
    <glossSymbol href="atlantic.jpg" scope="local">
      <alt>Icon denoting the Atlantic region</alt>