
The <condition> element describes a state that the troubleshooting topic is intended to remedy. This information helps the user decide whether a troubleshooting topic might contain an applicable remedy for a problem.

This section should add to or clarify information that is in the title or short description of the troubleshooting topic. If the title and short description adequately describes the condition, this element might be omitted.

The <condition> element is specialized from <section>. It is defined in the troubleshooting module.

The following attributes are available on this element: universal attributes.

The following attributes are available on this element: universal attributes.


This section is non-normative.

In the following code sample, the <condition> element contains information that elaborates on the information that is provided by the title and short description:

<troubleshooting id="system-will-not-turn-on">
  <title>System will not turn on</title>
  <shortdesc>Everything looks right, but the system still does not start.</shortdesc>
      <p>The system is plugged in and powered up, but the system does not start.</p>
      <!-- ... -->

Alternately, the short description could be enhanced and the <condition> element eliminated:

<troubleshooting id="system-will-not-turn-on">
  <title>System will not turn on</title>
  <shortdesc>The system is plugged in and powered up, but the system does not start.
      <!-- ... -->

The markup pattern that implementations choose might depend on how they deliver troubleshooting information.