
The <equation-block> element represents an equation that is presented as a separate block within a text flow or an <equation-figure>.

Usage information

When an <equation-block> element has multiple direct child elements, each child represents an alternative form of the equation.

Rendering expectations

Block equations can be numbered.

Processing expectations

When there are multiple forms of an equation, processors can choose the form or forms that they render. For example, if there is both an image and MathML markup, an HTML-generating processor could generate both the image reference and the MathML with appropriate HTML @class or @id values to enable dynamic rendering that is based on browser capability.

Specialization hierarchy

The <equation-block> element is specialized from <div>. It is defined in the equation domain module.


The following attributes are available on this element: universal attributes.

The following attributes are available on this element: universal attributes.


This section is non-normative.

The following code sample shows how an <equation-block> element can include two alternative forms of the same equation:

  <!-- Imaged-based equation -->
  <image keyref="equation-image-01">
    <alt>a squared plus b squared.</alt>
  <!-- MathML-based equation -->