- Book map
The DITA bookmap specialization represents the key markup requirements for managing DITA content through book-oriented publication processes, including book metadata and book structures for organizing content.
- Concept
Concept topics are designed to provide conceptual or descriptive information.
- Glossary entry
A glossary entry topic defines a single meaning of a term. It also can provide information such as acronyms and synonyms.
- Glossary group
Glossary group topics enable the authoring of glossary entries in a single topic document, rather than working with many individual glossary-entry topic documents.
- Reference
Reference topics contain reference information that users might need to consult occasionally, for example, product specifications, part lists, API calls, and programming language commands.
- Task
DITA offer two varieties of task topics: general task and strict task. Both task topics serve the same purpose: to provide users with comprehensive instructions for performing a task. Their content models vary, however.
- Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting topics are designed to document problems that people might encounter. They provide a topic structure that enables content authors to describe a condition, provide diagnostic information, discuss causes, and outline possible solutions.