- Book map elements
Elements in the book map section are used to organize DITA content into book form. They include elements for dividing up content, such as chapter and appendix, as well as metadata specific to publishing.
- Concept elements
Concept elements provide the fundamental structure for concept topics. Concept topics are useful for introducing the background or overview information for task or reference topics.
- Glossary entry elements
The glossary entry specialization contains markup that supports the development and delivery of glossaries. It also can be used in conjunction with the abbreviated-form domain to provide a solution for rendering different forms of a term on first and later usage in a publication.
- glossgroup
A glossary group topic organizes related glossary entry topics within a single topic document.
- Reference elements
Reference elements provide the fundamental structure for reference topics. Reference topics include specialized sections for programming language syntax and property lists, as well as standard elements such as sections, tables, and examples.
- Task elements
Task elements provide the fundamental structure for task topics. The task topic includes sections for describing the context, prerequisites, actual steps, expected results, troubleshooting, example, and expected next steps for a task.
- Troubleshooting elements
Troubleshooting elements provide the fundamental structure for troubleshooting topics. Troubleshooting topics describe problems and provide information about how to fix them.