
The <groupcomp> element groups a set of pieces of syntax as a single unit.

Usage information

Each syntax group is a logical set of pieces of syntax that go together. The group composite means that the items that make up the syntax diagram will be rendered close together rather than being separated by a horizontal or vertical line, which is the usual formatting method.

Specialization hierarchy

The <groupcomp> element is specialized from <figgroup>. It is defined in the syntax-diagram domain module, which is a specialization of the programming domain module.

Content model

<title> ?, <repsep> ?, ( <delim> | <fragref> | <groupchoice> | <groupcomp> | <groupseq> | <kwd> | <oper> | <sep> | <synnote> | <synnoteref> | <var> )*


The following attributes are available on this element: universal attributes.

For this element, the @importance attribute indicates whether this item in a syntax diagram is optional, required, or used by default. The attribute value is limited to optional, required, default, or -dita-use-conref-target.

The following attributes are available on this element: universal attributes and the attributes defined below.

For this element, the @importance attribute indicates whether this item in a syntax diagram is optional, required, or used by default. The attribute value is limited to optional, required, default, or -dita-use-conref-target.


This section is non-normative.

The following code sample shows how the <groupcomp> element can be used to indicate how pieces of syntax are grouped together. Two composite groups represent two alternate ways to specify an input file to a command line program, using either -i:program-name.py or --input=program-name.ph.

  <title>Syntax for runprogram command</title>