The <equation-number>
element indicates
that a block equation should be numbered. It
optionally specifies the number to use for the block
Usage information
In normal usage, a block equation has a single number. However,
the <equation-number>
element can occur
multiple times within the <equation-block>
element. This enables the use of numbers with different (and
exclusive) conditional properties.
When the <equation-figure>
element contains
content, the content of the element should be the number value
without any rendering-specific punctuation,
for example, 3.2a rather than
Rendering expectations
In this context, white-space content is considered equivalent to
empty content. When the <equation-number>
element has empty content, the equation number SHOULD be generated. When the
element is not empty,
the content SHOULD be used as
the equation number. Processors MAY add punctuation or decoration to the number.
The details of equation numbering and number presentation are processor-specific. A common practice is to present the equation number to the right of the equation, centered vertically within the vertical extent of the block equation.
Specialization hierarchy
The <equation-number>
element is specialized from
. It is defined in the equation domain module.
The following attributes are available on this element: universal attributes.
The following attributes are available on this element: universal attributes.
This section is non-normative.
This section contains examples of how the
element can be used:
The following code sample shows how an
element can be used to
indicate to a processor that an equation number should be
<equation-block id="eq-001">
<image keyref="equation-image-01">
<alt>a squared plus b squared.</alt>
The following code sample shows how an
element can specify the
value for an equation number:
<equation-block id="eq-3.2a">
<image keyref="equation-image-01">
<alt>a squared plus b squared.</alt>