
The <equation-figure> element is a container for equations and their supporting information.

Usage information

Equation figures can have titles, descriptions, figure groups, and all other figure components. The direct children of <equation-figure> can be the equation content itself (for example, <mathml> or an image reference), or it can be one or more <equation-block> elements, along with other elements allowed within figures.

When an <equation-figure> element has multiple direct child <mathml>, <equation-block>, <image>, or <pre> elements, each child represents an alternative form of the equation.

When the intent is to combine equations and commentary within an <equation-figure>, use child <equation-block> elements to contain the equations and so clearly distinguish them from the commentary.

Rendering expectations

Equation figures can be numbered. Either standard figure numbering can be used, or <equation-number> elements can be placed within <equation-block> elements.

Processing expectations

When there are multiple forms of an equation, processors can choose the form or forms that they render. For example, if there is both an image and MathML markup, an HTML-generating processor could generate both the image reference and the MathML with appropriate HTML @class or @id values to enable dynamic rendering that is based on browser capability.

Specialization hierarchy

The <equation-figure> element is specialized from <fig>. It is defined in the equation domain module.


The following attributes are available on this element: display attributes and universal attributes.

The following attributes are available on this element: universal attributes and the attributes defined below.

@expanse (display attributes)
Specifies the horizontal placement of the element. The following values are valid:
Indicates that the element is aligned with the current column margin.
Indicates that the element is placed on the left page margin for left-to-right presentation or the right page margin for right-to-left presentation.
Indicates that the object is rendered across a multi-page spread. If the output format does not have anything that corresponds to spreads, then spread has the same meaning as page.
Indicates that the element is aligned with the left (for left-to-right presentation) or right (for right-to-left presentation) margin of the current text line and takes indentation into account.
See Using the -dita-use-conref-target value for more information.

For <table>, in place of the @expanse attribute that is used by other DITA elements, the @pgwide attribute is used in order to conform to the OASIS Exchange Table Model.

Some processors or output formats might not support all values.

@frame (display attributes)
Specifies which portion of a border surrounds the element. The following values are valid:
Indicates that a line is rendered at the top, bottom, left, and right of the containing element.
Indicates that a line is rendered at the bottom of the containing element.
Indicates that no lines are rendered.
Indicates that a line is rendered at the left and right of the containing element.
Indicates that a line is rendered at the top of the containing element.
Indicates that a line is rendered at the top and bottom of the containing element.
See Using the -dita-use-conref-target value for more information.

Some processors or output formats might not support all values.

@scale (display attributes)
Specifies the percentage by which fonts are resized in relation to the normal text size. The value of this attribute is a positive integer. When used on <table> or <simpletable>, the following values are valid: 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120, 140, 160, 180, 200, and -dita-use-conref-target.

This attribute is primarily useful for print-oriented display. Some processors might not support all values.

If the @scale attribute is specified on an element that contains an image, the image is not scaled. The image is scaled only if a scaling property is explicitly specified for the <image> element.


This section is non-normative.

The following code sample shows how an <equation-figure> element can contain both MathML content and commentary. The MathML content is contained with a nested <equation-block> element, and it is followed by commentary that is contained in a nested <p> element.

 <title>An equation with commentary</title>
   <m:math display='block'>
   is greater than 1.</p>