
The <troubleshooting> element is the top-level element for a troubleshooting topic. Troubleshooting topics provide information that enables readers to identify a condition, diagnose a cause, and potentially fix the problem.

Usage information

Troubleshooting topics begin with a description of a problem that the reader might want to correct. This can be followed by diagnostic information and possible solutions to the problem.

Specialization hierarchy

The <troubleshooting> element is specialized from <topic>. It is defined in the troubleshooting module.


The following attributes are available on this element: architectural attributes and universal attributes.

For this element, the @id attribute is required.

The following attributes are available on this element: universal attributes and the attributes defined below.

@DITAArchVersion (architectural attributes)
Specifies the version of the DITA architecture that is in use. This attribute is in the namespace http://dita.​oasis-open.​org/​architecture/​2005/. This attribute is specified in the topic and map modules, and it uses a default value of the current version of DITA. The current default is 2.0.
For this element, the @id attribute is required.
@specializations (architectural attributes)
Specifies the attribute-domain specializations that are included in the document-type shell. This attribute is set as a default within the document-type shell. The value varies depending on what domains are integrated into the document-type shell. For example, a grammar file that includes the specialized attributes @audience, @deliveryTarget, and @newBaseAtt would set the value to @props/audience @props/deliveryTarget @base/newBaseAtt.
@xmlns:ditaarch (architectural attributes)
Declares the default DITA namespace. This namespace is declared as such in the RNG modules for <topic> and <map>, but it is specified as an attribute in the equivalent DTD-based modules. The value is fixed to http://dita.​oasis-open.​org/​architecture/​2005/.


This section is non-normative.

The following code sample contains a troubleshooting topic. The troubleshooting topic contains three <troubleSolution> elements that direct the user to perform sequential troubleshooting tasks: Resetting the alarm, reseating the system memory board, and replacing the memory board. Note that some steps are reused from other topics.

<troubleshooting id="E247" xml:lang="en-us">
  <title><msgph><msgnum>E247</msgnum>: Memory fault has occurred</msgph></title>
  <shortdesc>The system has detected a memory problem.</shortdesc>
      <p>The fault indicator flashes on the front panel, and the error log
        contains the <msgnum>E247</msgnum> error message.</p>
      <cause>p>A transient memory fault has occurred.</p></cause>
        <responsibleParty>System administrator</responsibleParty>
          <step><cmd>From the systems management software, reset the alarm.</cmd></step>
          <step><cmd>Monitor the system periodically to see whether the alarm
      <cause><p>A recurring memory fault indicates a possible problem with the
          system memory board.</p></cause>
        <responsibleParty>Maintenance technician</responsibleParty>
        <steps conref="boardReseat.dita#boardReseat/steps">
      <cause><p>The system memory board might be corrupted.</p></cause>
        <responsibleParty>Certified technician. Note that work done by
           non-qualified individuals will void the product warranty.</responsibleParty>

        <steps conref="boardReplace.dita#boardReplace.dita/steps">