
A step example illustrates how a step is completed. The example might be text-based, an image, a code sample, a link to a video, or some other representation.

Specialization hierarchy

The <stepxmp> element is specialized from <div>. It is defined in the task module.


The following attributes are available on this element: universal attributes.

The following attributes are available on this element: universal attributes.


This section is non-normative.

The following code sample shows how the <stepxmp> can provide an example of how a user can perform a step:

  <cmd>Add an XML comment in the map that explains why you applied the 
       filtering attribute.</cmd>
  <stepxmp><p>For example:<p>
      <!-- 18 Dec 2019 ML: The following topic is under review and should
                           not be published externally. [DH-1441]. --> 