
The <stepsection> element contains expository text that might be rendered before a step.

Usage information

The <stepsection> element can be used to break up lengthy procedures by providing labels for groups of steps. Note that introducing <stepsection> elements will not affect the contiguous numbering of the steps.

Rendering expectations

Processors which render the content of <stepsection> elements among the <step> elements MUST NOT number the <stepsection> elements.

Specialization hierarchy

The <stepsection> element is specialized from <li>. It is defined in the task module.


The following attributes are available on this element: universal attributes.

The following attributes are available on this element: universal attributes.


This section is non-normative.

The following code sample shows how <stepsection> element can be used to group steps in a high-level overview topic that links to other topics:

<stepsection>Install and configure the application:</stepsection>
    <cmd><xref keyref="download">Download the application</xref>.</cmd>
    <cmd><xref keyref="install">Install the application</xref>.</cmd>
    <cmd><xref keyref="configure">Configure the application</xref></cmd>
  <stepsection>Set up the development environment:</stepsection>
    <cmd><xref keyref="prep">Prepare the environment</xref>.</cmd>
  <!-- ... -->
  <stepsection>Start the tutorial:</stepsection>
    <cmd><xref keyref="create-plugin">Exercise: Create a plug-in</xref>.</cmd>
  <!-- ... -->

This topic might be rendered in the following way. Note that the numbering of the steps is not affected by the introduction of the <stepsection> elements.