
The <conbodydiv> element provides an container for content that might be grouped within a concept topic.

Usage information

There are no additional semantics attached to the <conbodydiv> element. It is purely a grouping element that is provided to help organize content for reuse.

The content model of the <conbodydiv> element only permits <section> and <example>.

Specialization hierarchy

The <conbodydiv> element is specialized from <bodydiv>. It is defined in the concept module.


The following attributes are available on this element: universal attributes.

The following attributes are available on this element: universal attributes.


This section is non-normative.

The following code sample shows how a <conbodydiv>element can be used to group content for reuse:

  <conbodydiv id="concept-purpose-content-model">
    <section id="purpose">
        <p>Concept topics serve a variety of purposes:</p>
        <!-- ... -->
    <section id="content-model">
      <title>Content model</title>
        <p>The body of a concept topic can contain the following document
        <!-- ... -->        