Attribute groups

Many of the attributes used on DITA elements are defined in attribute groups. These attribute groups are used both in the grammar files and the specification,

This group contains a set of attributes that are defined for document-level elements such as <topic> and <map>.

Specifies the version of the DITA architecture that is in use. This attribute is in the namespace http://dita.​oasis-open.​org/​architecture/​2005/. This attribute is specified in the topic and map modules, and it uses a default value of the current version of DITA. The current default is 2.0.
Specifies the attribute-domain specializations that are included in the document-type shell. This attribute is set as a default within the document-type shell. The value varies depending on what domains are integrated into the document-type shell. For example, a grammar file that includes the specialized attributes @audience, @deliveryTarget, and @newBaseAtt would set the value to @props/audience @props/deliveryTarget @base/newBaseAtt.
Declares the default DITA namespace. This namespace is declared as such in the RNG modules for <topic> and <map>, but it is specified as an attribute in the equivalent DTD-based modules. The value is fixed to http://dita.​oasis-open.​org/​architecture/​2005/.

This group contains attributes that are frequently used on map elements.

Specifies how metadata attributes cascade within a map. The specification defines the following values:

Indicates that the metadata attributes cascade, and that the values of the metadata attributes are additive. This is the processing default for the @cascade attribute.
Indicates that the metadata attributes cascade, but that they are not additive for <topicref> elements that specify a different value for a specific metadata attribute. If the cascading value for an attribute is already merged based on multiple ancestor elements, that merged value continues to cascade until a new value is encountered. That is, setting cascade="nomerge" does not undo merging that took place on ancestor elements.

Processors can also define custom, implementation-specific tokens for this attribute.

See Cascading of metadata attributes in a DITA map for more information about how this attribute interacts with metadata attributes.

Specifies how a processor should render a map or branch of a map. For example, it can be used to specify that individual topic documents should be rendered as a single document, or that a single document with multiple topics should be rendered as multiple documents.
The following values are valid:
Instructs a processor to combine the referenced source documents for rendering purposes. This is intended for cases where a publishing process normally results in a single output artifact for each source XML document.
Instructs a processor to split each topic from the referenced source document into its own document for rendering purposes. This is intended for cases where a publishing process normally results in a single output artifact for each source XML document, regardless of how many DITA topics exist within each source document.

Processors can also define custom, implementation-specific tokens for this attribute.

For a detailed description of the @chunk attribute and its usage, see Chunking.

Specifies how topics or links relate to each other. The processing default is unordered, although no default is specified in the OASIS-provided grammar files. The following values are valid:
Indicates that the order of the child topics is not significant.
Indicates that the order of the child topics is significant. Output processors will typically link between them in order.
Indicates that one of the children should be selected.
Indicates a tight grouping in which each of the referenced topics not only relates to the current topic but also relate to each other.
Specifies that the element marks the boundaries of a key scope.

See STUB CONTENT for information on using this attribute.

Specifies linking characteristics of a topic specific to the location of this reference in a map. If the value is not specified locally, the value might cascade from another element in the map (for cascade rules, see Cascading of metadata attributes in a DITA map). The following values are valid:
A topic can only be linked to and cannot link to other topics.
A topic cannot be linked to but can link to other topics.
A topic can be linked to and can link to other topics. Use this to override the linking value of a parent topic.
A topic cannot be linked to or link to other topics.
See Using the -dita-use-conref-target value for more information.
Specifies whether the referenced resource is processed normally or treated as a resource that is only included in order to resolve references, such as key or content references. The following values are valid:
Indicates that the resource is a readable part of the information set. It is included in navigation and search results. This is the default value for the <topicref> element.
Indicates that the resource should be used only for processing purposes. It is not included in navigation or search results, nor is it rendered as a topic. This is the default value for the <keydef> element.
See Using the -dita-use-conref-target value for more information.

If no value is specified but the attribute is specified on a containing element within a map or within the related-links section, the value cascades from the closest containing element.

Specifies whether the target is available for searching. If the value is not specified locally, the value might cascade from another element in the map (for cascade rules, see Cascading of metadata attributes in a DITA map). The following values are valid: yes, no, and -dita-use-conref-target.
Specifies one or more keys that are each defined by a subject definition in a subject scheme map. Multiple values are separated by white space.
Specifies whether a topic appears in the table of contents (TOC) based on the current map context. If the value is not specified locally, the value might cascade from another element in the map (for cascade rules, see Cascading of metadata attributes in a DITA map). The following values are valid:
The topic appears in a generated TOC.
The topic does not appear in a generated TOC.
See STUB CONTENT for more information.

This group includes attributes that are defined on complex table elements. Unless other noted, these attributes are part of the OASIS Exchange Table Model. Complex table elements typically use only a subset of the attributes that are defined in this group.

Specifies the horizontal alignment of text in table entries. The following values are valid:
Indicates left alignment of the text.
Indicates right alignment of the text.
Indicates center alignment of the text.
Justifies the contents to both the left and the right.
Indicates character alignment. The text is aligned with the first occurrence of the character specified by the @char attribute.
See Using the -dita-use-conref-target value for more information.

The @align attribute is available on the following table elements: <colspec>, <entry>, and <tgroup>.

Specifies the alignment character, which is the character that is used for aligning the text in table entries. This attribute applies when align="char". A value of "" (the null string) means there is no aligning character.

For example, if align="char" and char="." are specified, then text in the table entry aligns with the first occurrence of the period within the entry. This might be useful if decimal alignment is required.

The @char attribute is available on the following table elements: <colspec> and <entry>.

Specifies the horizontal offset of the alignment character that is specified by the @char attribute. The value is a greater-than-zero number that is less than or equal to 100. It represents the percentage of the current column width by which the text is offset to the left of the alignment character.

For example, if align="char", char=".", and charoff="50" are all specified, then text in the table entry is aligned 50% of the distance to the left of the first occurrence of the period character within the table entry.

The @charoff attribute is available on the following table elements: <colspec> and <entry>.

Specifies whether to render column separators between table entries. The following values are valid: 0 (no separators) and 1 (separators).

The @colsep attribute is available on the following table elements: <colspec>, <entry>, <table>, and <tgroup>.

Specifies whether the entries in the respective column are row headers. The following values are valid:
Indicates that entries in the first column of the table are row headers. This applies when the @rowheader attribute is specified on the <table> element.
Indicates that entries of the column that is described using the <colspec> element are row headers. This applies when the @rowheader attribute is specified on the <colspec> element.
Indicates that entries in the first column are not row headers. This applies when the @rowheader attribute is specified on the <table> element.
See Using the -dita-use-conref-target value for more information.
Note (non-normative):
This attribute is not part of the OASIS Exchange Table Model upon which DITA tables are based. Some processors or output formats might not support all values.

The @rowheader attribute is available on the following table elements: <table> and <colspec>.

Specifies whether to render row separators between table entries. The following values are valid: 0 (no separators) and 1 (separators).

The @rowsep attribute is available on the following table elements: <colspec>, <entry>, <row>, <table>, and <tgroup>.

Specifies the vertical alignment of text in table entries. The following values are valid:
Indicates that text is aligned with the bottom of the table entry.
Indicates that text is aligned with the middle of the table entry.
Indicates that text is aligned with the top of the table entry.
See Using the -dita-use-conref-target value for more information.

The @valign attribute is available on the following table elements: <entry>, <tbody>, <thead>, and <row>.

This group contains attributes that are defined on the <data> element and its specializations.

Specifies the type of data contained in the @value attribute or within the <data> element. A typical use of @datatype will be the identifying URI for an XML Schema datatype.
Defines a unique name for the object.
Specifies a value associated with the current property or element.

This group contains attributes that take date values. They are defined on metadata elements that work with date information:

Specifies the date when the information should be retired or refreshed. The date is specified using the ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DD, where YYYY is the year, MM is the month (01 to 12), and DD is the day (01-31).
Specifies the publication or general availability (GA) date. The date is specified using the ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DD, where YYYY is the year, MM is the month (01 to 12), and DD is the day (01-31).

This group contains attributes that affect the rendering of many elements.

Specifies the horizontal placement of the element. The following values are valid:
Indicates that the element is aligned with the current column margin.
Indicates that the element is placed on the left page margin for left-to-right presentation or the right page margin for right-to-left presentation.
Indicates that the object is rendered across a multi-page spread. If the output format does not have anything that corresponds to spreads, then spread has the same meaning as page.
Indicates that the element is aligned with the left (for left-to-right presentation) or right (for right-to-left presentation) margin of the current text line and takes indentation into account.
See Using the -dita-use-conref-target value for more information.

For <table>, in place of the @expanse attribute that is used by other DITA elements, the @pgwide attribute is used in order to conform to the OASIS Exchange Table Model.

Some processors or output formats might not support all values.

Specifies which portion of a border surrounds the element. The following values are valid:
Indicates that a line is rendered at the top, bottom, left, and right of the containing element.
Indicates that a line is rendered at the bottom of the containing element.
Indicates that no lines are rendered.
Indicates that a line is rendered at the left and right of the containing element.
Indicates that a line is rendered at the top of the containing element.
Indicates that a line is rendered at the top and bottom of the containing element.
See Using the -dita-use-conref-target value for more information.

Some processors or output formats might not support all values.

Specifies the percentage by which fonts are resized in relation to the normal text size. The value of this attribute is a positive integer. When used on <table> or <simpletable>, the following values are valid: 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120, 140, 160, 180, 200, and -dita-use-conref-target.

This attribute is primarily useful for print-oriented display. Some processors might not support all values.

If the @scale attribute is specified on an element that contains an image, the image is not scaled. The image is scaled only if a scaling property is explicitly specified for the <image> element.

This group contains the attributes that enable the naming and referencing of elements.

Specifies how the element content will be pushed into a new location. The following values are valid:
The element acts as a marker when pushing content before or after the target, to help ensure that the push action is valid. The element with conaction="mark" also specifies the target of the push action with @conref. Content inside of the element with conaction="mark" is not pushed to the new location.
Content from this element is pushed after the location specified by @conref on the element with conaction="mark". The element with conaction="pushafter" is the first sibling element after the element with conaction="mark".
Content from this element is pushed before the location specified by @conref on the element with conaction="mark". The element with conaction="pushbefore" is the first sibling element before the element with conaction="mark".
Content from this element replaces any content from the element referenced by the @conref attribute. A second element with conaction="mark" is not used when using conaction="pushreplace".
See Using the -dita-use-conref-target value for more information.

See STUB CONTENT for examples and details about the syntax.

Specifies a key name or a key name with an element ID that acts as an indirect reference to reusable content. The referenced content is used in place of the content of the current element. See STUB CONTENT for more details about the syntax and behaviors.
Specifies a URI that references a DITA element. The referenced content is used in place of the content of the current element. See STUB CONTENT for examples and details about the syntax.
Specifies a URI that references the last element in a sequence of elements, with the first element of the sequence specified by @conref. The referenced sequence of elements is used in place of the content of the current element. See STUB CONTENT for examples and details about the syntax.
Specifies an identifier for the current element. This ID is the target for references by @href and @conref attributes and for external applications that refer to DITA or LwDITA content. This attribute is defined with the XML data type NMTOKEN, except where noted for specific elements within the language reference.

See id attribute for more details.

This group includes attributes defined on <include> and its specializations:

Specifies the character encoding to use when translating the character data from the referenced content. The value should be a valid encoding name. If not specified, processors may make attempts to automatically determine the correct encoding, for example using HTTP headers, through analysis of the binary structure of the referenced data, or the <?xml?> processing instruction when including XML as text. The resource should be treated as UTF-8 if no other encoding information can be determined.

When parse="xml", standard XML parsing rules apply for the detection of character encoding. The necessity and uses of @encoding for non-standard values of @parse are implementation-dependent.

Specifies the processing expectations for the referenced resource. Processors must support the following values:

The contents should be treated as plain text. Reserved XML characters should be displayed, and not interpreted as XML markup.


The contents of the referenced resource should be treated as an XML document, and the referenced element should be inserted at the location of the <include> element. If a fragment identifier is included in the address of the content, processors must select the element with the specified ID. If no fragment identifier is included, the root element of the referenced XML document is selected. Any grammar processing should be performed during resolution, such that default attribute values are explicitly populated. Prolog content must be discarded.

It is an error to use parse="xml" anywhere other than within <foreign> or a specialization thereof.

Processors may support other values for the @parse attribute with proprietary processing semantics. Processors should issue warnings and use <fallback> when they encounter unsupported @parse values. Non-standard @parse instructions should be expressed as URIs.

Note (non-normative):
Proprietary @parse values will likely limit the portability and interoperability of DITA content, so should be used with care.

This group contains the attributes that are related to translation and localization.

Identifies or overrides the text directionality. The following values are valid:

Indicates an override of the Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm, forcing the element into left-to-right mode.
Indicates left-to-right.
Indicates an override of the Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm, forcing the element into right-to-left mode.
Indicates right-to-left.
See Using the -dita-use-conref-target value for more information.

See The dir attribute for more information.

Specifies whether the content of the element should be translated. The following values are valid: yes, no, and -dita-use-conref-target.

See Element-by-element recommendations for translators for suggested processing defaults for each element.

Specifies the language and optional locale of the content that is contained in an element. Valid values are language tokens or the null string. The @xml:lang attribute and its values are described in the Extensible Markup Language 1.0 specification, fifth edition.

This group contains common metadata attributes: @base, @importance, @props, @rev, and @status. The @base and @props attributes can be specialized.

Specifies metadata about the element. It is often used as a base for specialized attributes that have a simple syntax for values, but which are not conditional processing attributes.

The @base attribute takes a space-delimited set of values. However, when serving as a container for generalized attributes, the attribute values will be more complex. See Attribute generalization for more details.

Specifies the importance or priority that is assigned to an element. The following values are valid: default, deprecated, high, low, normal, obsolete, optional, recommended, required, urgent, and -dita-use-conref-target. This attribute is not used for conditional processing, although applications might use the value of the @importance attribute to highlight elements. For example, in steps of a task topic, the value of the @importance attribute indicates whether a step is optional or required.
Specifies metadata about the element. New attributes can be specialized from the @props attribute. This attribute supports conditional processing. If no value is specified but the attribute is specified on a containing element within a map or within the related-links section, the value cascades from the closest containing element.

The @props attribute takes a space-delimited set of values. However, when serving as a container for generalized attributes, the attribute values will be more complex. See Attribute generalization for more details.

Specifies a revision level of an element that identifies when the element was added or modified. It can be used to flag outputs when it matches a run-time parameter. It cannot be used for filtering nor is it sufficient to be used for version control. If no value is specified but the attribute is specified on a containing element within a map or within the related-links section, the value cascades from the closest containing element.
Specifies the modification status of the element. The following values are valid: new, changed, deleted, unchanged, and -dita-use-conref-target.

This group includes attributes that are defined only on the <simpletable> element: @keycol and @relcolwidth. These attributes are listed in a group because the <simpletable> element is frequently used as a specialization base.

Specifies the column that contains the content that represents the key to the tabular structure. If @keycol is present and assigned a numerical value, the specified column is treated as a vertical header.
Specifies the width of each column in relationship to the width of the other columns. The value is a space-separated list of relative column widths. Each column width is specified as a positive integer or decimal number followed by an asterisk character.

For example, the value relcolwidth="1* 2* 3*" gives a total of 6 units across three columns. The relative widths are 1/6, 2/6, and 3/6 (16.7%, 33.3%, and 50%). Similarly, the value relcolwidth="90* 150*" causes relative widths of 90/240 and 150/240 (37.5% and 62.5%).

This group defines a set of attributes that promote table accessibility:

Specifies which entries in the current table provide headers for this cell. The @headers attribute contains an unordered set of unique, space-separated tokens, each of which is an ID reference of an entry from the same table.
Specifies that the current entry is a header for other table entries. The following values are valid:
Indicates that the current entry is a header for all cells in the column.
Indicates that the current entry is a header for all cells in the columns that are spanned by this entry.
Indicates that the current entry is a header for all cells in the row.
Indicates that the current entry is a header for all cells in the rows that are spanned by this entry.
See Using the -dita-use-conref-target value for more information.

This group defines a set of attributes that are available on almost all DITA elements. It includes all elements in the ID, localization, and metadata attribute groups, as well as the following attributes:

This attribute is not for use by authors. If an editor displays @class attribute values, do not edit them. Specifies a default value that defines the specialization ancestry of the element. Its predefined values allow DITA tools to work correctly with specialized elements. In a generalized DITA document the @class attribute value in the generalized instance might differ from the default value for the @class attribute for the element as given in the DTD or schema. See The class attribute rules and syntax for more information. This attribute is specified on every element except for the <dita> container element. It is always specified with a default value, which varies for each element.
Specifies a role that the element is playing. The role must be consistent with the basic semantic and expectations for the element. In particular, the @outputclass attribute can be used for styling during output processing; HTML output will typically preserve @outputclass for CSS processing.