Navigation title

A navigation title is an alternative title for a resource. It is designed for situations where the topic title is unsuitable for use in a table of contents or navigation pane.


The syntax for representing this component varies depending on the authoring format:

Authoring format Syntax and example


<topicref href="alternatives.dita">
    <navtitle>Alternative lighting setups</navtitle>
HDITA There is no specific markup for navigation title.
MDITA There is no specific markup for navigation title.


The available attributes vary based on the authoring format:

The following attributes are available on this element: localization attributes and universal attributes.
There is no attribute support for the MDITA core profile. For the MDITA extended profile, attributes can be specified by using the HDITA representation.


This section is non-normative.

The following code sample shows how the <navtitle> element can provide a title for the map and a navigation title for a topic:

    <!-- 1. Applies a title for the map -->
    <navtitle>Developing a reuse strategy</navtitle>
  <topicref keyref="developing-reuse-strategy">
    <topicref keyref="define-business-requirements"/>
    <topicref keyref="prototype-sample-source"/>
    <topicref keyref="select-reuse-methods"/>
    <topicref keyref="test-reuse-methods"/>
    <topicref keyref="correct-reuse-strategy">
        <!-- 2. Applies a navigation title for the resource -->
        <navtitle>Refine reuse strategy</navtitle>
    <!-- … -->

In the above code sample, the <navtitle> element appears twice:

  1. It supplies a title for the DITA map.
  2. It supplies a navigation title of "Refine reuse strategy" for the resource referenced by the key "correct-reuse-strategy."