
An image is a reference to artwork that is stored outside of the content.


The syntax for representing this component varies depending on the authoring format:

Authoring format Syntax and example


<image href="save.gif>
  <alt>Save icon</alt>
<img alt="Save icon" href="save.gif"/>
MDITA ![alt text](image-name.jpg)
![Save icon] (save.gif]

Rendering expectations

The referenced image typically is rendered in the main flow of the content.


The available attributes vary based on the authoring format:

The following attributes are available on this element: link relationship attributes, localization attributes, universal attributes, @keyref, and the additional attributes listed below.
For the MDITA core profile, the equivalent of the XDITA @keyref attribute is supported. For the MDITA extended profile, attributes can be specified by using the HDITA representation.

For XDITA and HDITA, the following additional attributes are also available:

Specifies the vertical dimension for the resulting display. The value of this attribute is a real number expressed in decimal notation, optionally followed by a unit of measure. The following units of measurement are supported: cm, em, in, mm, pc, pt, and px (centimeters, ems, inches, millimeters, picas, points, and pixels, respectively). The default unit is px (pixels). Possible values include:5, 5in, and 10.5cm.
Specifies the horizontal dimension for the resulting display. The value of this attribute is a real number expressed in decimal notation, optionally followed by a unit of measure. The following units of measurement are supported: cm, em, in, mm, pc, pt, and px (centimeters, ems, inches, millimeters, picas, points, and pixels, respectively). The default unit is px (pixels). Possible values include:5, 5in, and 10.5cm.


This section is non-normative.

Example 1. XDITA example

The following example demonstrates the use of image in an XDITA topic.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE topic PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD LIGHTWEIGHT DITA Topic//EN" "lw-topic.dtd">
<topic id="franchise-intro">
  <title>An innovative, attractive, and out of the ordinary concept</title>
  <shortdesc>Are you interested in investing with us? Welcome to our franchise information package.</shortdesc>
    <p>We offer <image href="images/plus-sign.jpg">
        <alt>Icon for a plus sign</alt>
      </image> than 30 exclusive creations for original rolls, from the California roll to sushi
      with BBQ chicken or grilled steak.</p>
Example 2. HDITA example

The following example demonstrates the use of image in an HDITA topic.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>An innovative, attractive, and out of the ordinary concept</title>
  <article id="franchise-intro">
    <h1>An innovative, attractive, and out of the ordinary concept</h1>
    <p>Are you interested in investing with us? Welcome to our franchise information package.</p>
    <p>We offer <img src="images/plus-sign.jpg" alt="Icon for a plus sign" /> than 30 exclusive creations for original rolls, from the California roll to sushi with BBQ chicken or grilled steak.</p>
Example 3. MDITA example

The following example demonstrates the use of image in an MDITA topic.

# An innovative, attractive, and out of the ordinary concept

Are you interested in investing with us? Welcome to our franchise
information package.

We offer ![Icon for a plus sign](images/plus-sign.jpg) than 30
exclusive creations for original rolls, from the California roll to
sushi with BBQ chicken or grilled steak.