LwDITA attributes in the authoring formats

This topic lists the XDITA attributes and their equivalents in HDITA and MDITA.

Attribute group XDITA HDITA MDITA core profile MDITA extended profile
Architectural attributes @xmlns:ditaarch Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
@ditaarch:DITAArchVersion Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
@specializations Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Common map attributes @processing-role @data-processing-role Not applicable HDITA representation
Data-element attributes @name Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
@value Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Dimension attributes @height @height Not applicable ►HDITA representation◄
@width @width Not applicable ►HDITA representation◄
Display attributes @expanse Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
@frame Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
@scale Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
ID and conref attributes @id @id Not applicable HDITA representation
@conref @data-conref Not applicable HDITA representation
Link relationship attributes @href @href Not applicable HDITA representation
@format @type Not applicable HDITA representation
@scope @rel Not applicable HDITA representation
Localization attributes @dir @dir Not applicable HDITA representation
@translate @translate Not applicable HDITA representation
@xml:lang @lang Not applicable HDITA representation
Multimedia attributes @autoplay @autoplay ►Not applicable◄ ►HDITA representation◄
@controls @controls ►Not applicable◄ ►HDITA representation◄
@loop @loop ►Not applicable◄ ►HDITA representation◄
@muted @muted ►Not applicable◄ ►HDITA representation◄
@tabindex @tabindex ►Not applicable◄ ►HDITA representation◄
Simple table attributes @colspan @colspan Not applicable Not applicable
@headers @headers Not applicable Not applicable
@rowspan @rowspan Not applicable Not applicable
@scope @scope Not applicable Not applicable
Universal attributes @class @data-class Not applicable ►HDITA representation◄
@outputclass @class Not applicable HDITA representation
Ungrouped attributes @keys @data-keys Not applicable HDITA representation
@keyref @data-keyref [key-value] [key-value]
@props @data-props Not applicable HDITA representation
Attributes defined directly in topics @callout Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
@kind @kind ►Not applicable◄ ►Not applicable◄
@srclang @srclang ►Not applicable◄ ►Not applicable◄
@type @data-type Not applicable Not applicable
@xml:space ►Not applicable◄ ►Not applicable◄ ►Not applicable◄

Representing attributes in MDITA

With the exception of key reference, attributes are not available in the MDITA core profile. In the MDITA extended profile, you can express attributes using their HDITA representation.

Reuse attribute in MDITA

In an MDITA core-profile topic, a key reference is represented using the GitHub Flavored Markdown syntax for shortcut reference links: [key-value]. There is no equivalent for content reference in the MDITA core profile.