Navigation links

To ease readers in navigating from one topic to another, each HTML5 file generated by a DITA topic contains navigation links at the bottom.

Parent topic
Takes readers to the parent topic, which is the topic referenced by the closest topic in the containment hierarchy
Previous topic
Takes readers to the previous topic in the reading sequence
Next topic
Takes readers to the next topic in the reading sequence
Return to main page
Takes readers to the place in the table of contents for the current topic in the reading sequence

The following screen capture illustrates how navigation links are displayed in the HTML5 version of the specification:

Figure 1. Navigation links

Screen capture fragment showing three labeled hyperlinks plus the sentence 'Return to main page' with 'main page' styled as a hyperlink (blue and underlined). The first three hyperlinks are labeled 'Parent topic', 'Previous topic', and 'Next topic', and each hyperlink text consists of a chapter/section number along with a topic title.

When readers hover over the navigation links, the short description of the DITA topic is also displayed.