- Lightweight DITA components, A to Z
This topic contains links to all of the LwDITA components. They are listed in alphabetical order.
- Basic topic components
The generic topic structure is used for untyped topics.
- Body components
The body components support the most common types of content authoring for topics: paragraphs, lists, phrases, figures, and other common types of exhibits in a document.
- Highlighting components
The highlighting components are used to highlight text with styles (such as bold, and italic). Never use these elements when a semantically specific element is available. These elements are not intended for use by specializers, and are intended solely for use by authors when no semantically appropriate element is available and a formatting effect is required.
- Emphasis components
The emphasis elements are used to emphasize text that is important or serious.
- Map components
Map components include the core components of LwDITA maps, such as key definition, key text, and topic reference.
- Metadata components
Metadata components include data and prolog components.
- Multimedia components
The multimedia components are used to reference audio or video content.
- Table components
Table components include table, table header, table row, and table cell entry.