- authorinformation
The <authorinformation>
element contains detailed information about the author or authoring organization.
- addressdetails
The <addressdetails>
element contains information about the address of the author or authoring group.
- administrativearea
The <administrativearea>
element contains information about a county, state, or province.
- contactnumber
A <contactnumber>
element contains the contact number of a person or organization, such as a telephone number, mobile phone number, or fax number.
- contactnumbers
The <contactnumbers>
element contains a list of telephone and fax numbers.
- country
The <country>
element contains the name of a country.
- emailaddress
The <emailaddress>
element contains an e-mail address.
- emailaddresses
The <emailaddresses>
element contains a list of e-mail addresses.
- firstname
The <firstname>
element contains the person's first name.
- generationidentifier
The <generationidentifier>
element contains information about the person's generation, such as: Jr, III, or VIII.
- honorific
The <honorific>
element contains the person's title, such as: Dr., Mr., Ms., or HRH.
- lastname
The <lastname>
element contains the person's last name.
- locality
The <locality>
element contains information about the city and postal or ZIP code. It can contain the information directly, or by acting as a wrapper for <localityname>
and <postalcode>
- localityname
The <localityname>
element contains the name of the locality or city.
- middlename
The <middlename>
element contains the person's middle name or initial.
- namedetails
The <namedetails>
element contains information about the name of the author or the authoring organization.
- organizationinfo
The <organizationinfo>
element contains detailed information about an authoring organization.
- organizationname
The <organizationname>
element contains name information about the authoring organization.
- organizationnamedetails
The <organizationnamedetails>
element contains information about the name of an authoring organization.
- otherinfo
The <otherinfo>
element contains other name information about the author or authoring organization.
- personinfo
The <personinfo>
element is a wrapper containing all relevant data about a person, including name, address, and contact information.
- personname
The <personname>
element contains name information about the author.
- postalcode
The <postalcode>
element contains information about the postal code or the ZIP code.
- thoroughfare
The <thoroughfare>
element contains information about the thoroughfare - for example, the street, avenue, or boulevard - on which an address is located.
- url
The <url>
element contains a Uniform Resource Locator (URL), such as a person's or company's internet address.
- urls
The <urls>
element contains a list of Uniform Resource Locators (URLs).