- Equation domain elements
The elements in the equation domain enable authors to clearly distinguish equations from other type of content. These markup distinctions can enable formatting distinctions, numbering of equations, and more. This domain can be used independently of the MathML domain.
- Markup domain
The markup domain elements are used for the mention of named constructs in markup languages, such as XML.
- MathML domain elements
The MathML domain elements enable direct use of MathML markup within DITA documents, as well as use-by-reference of MathML markup that is stored separate, non-DITA documents. MathML is a W3C standard.
- Programming elements
The programming domain elements are used to define the syntax for programming languages. They also can be used to provide examples.
- Release-management domain elements
The release-management domain elements contain human-authored information about the changes that have been made to a DITA topic or map. A processor can retrieve this information and use it to assemble documents or topics that contain release note information.
- Software elements
The software domain elements are used to describe the operation of a software program.
- SVG elements
The SVG domain elements enable direct use of SVG markup within DITA documents, as well as use-by-reference of SVG markup that is stored in separate non-DITA documents. SVG is a W3C standard.
- Task requirements domain
The task requirements domain contains elements for use in describing tasks that involve machines or other pieces of hardware.
- User interface elements
The user interface domain elements are used to describe the user interface of a software program.
- XML mention domain
Use the XML-mention domain elements for mentions of named XML constructs, including elements, attributes, entities, processing instructions, and document-type declaration components. These elements enable specific typographic effects for different construct types, precise search and retrieval of specific constructs, and automatic indexing of different constructs. This domain is intended to support the description and documentation of XML document types and XML applications.
- xNAL domain elements
The xNAL domain elements represent a subset of the Extensible Name and Address Standard. It is used to encode information about the author or authors of DITA information. The domain can be included in any DITA document type shell that requires additional metadata for names and addresses, although the implementations provided by OASIS only include it in the bookmap document type.